Course management

We are proud to have revitalized corporate language training at several companies via our offbeat attitude, responding to challenges like demotivated students, mismatched groups, deficient progress monitoring, or lack of financial resources.

Although the key to success is in the hands of teachers and students, it is up to us and our HR partners to grant or limit access to the keyhole.

We are commited to form a trusting relationship with our clients. We wish to serve them as an internal specialist rather than just a service provider. Our goal is to help our HR colleagues make decisions which benefit both employers and employees. We reduce HR burdens by not only completing assignments but also helping to work them out.

Our efforts are also aimed to bring professional success and development to our HR partners. Getting to know and implementing, at least partially, our training program ’Words Come Easy H2O’ presents a unique opportunity for that.

As a response to changes in the economic and legal environment affecting training budgets we have created our Words Come Easy Aspirin program to ease or kill the pain of budget cuts. Ample fluid intake recommended.